It is a beautiful day in Georgetown and the goblins are getting ready to hit the streets. We are prepared with 1000 pieces of candy. That should last a couple of hours! We will miss the gorilla this year, as he has moved out of the neighborhood. It will be fun to see what the "hot" costume is this year. The "scream" has been quite prominent in years past.
You can't hang these on the wall like my fabric wall hangings, but you can hang them on your arm when you go shopping, or to the library to get those books. It could even be used for an art journal and those special pencils and pens. Each tote is about 12X13 inches, made of distressed canvas, and decorated with a photo transfer, vintage laces and embellishments. The Rhinestone cowgirl has her fancy belt buckle, her turquoise and rhinestones. The other one has a "flapper" feel, with heavy lace. Since I only have 2 arms, I am selling these right here on my blog. If you are interested in purchasing 1 or both, just e-mail me at for details.
The third time is a charm! My computer is acting crazy today, so I will make this short before it disappears again. I am still working on fabric collage, and trying to finish up this week. Everyone is showing what they are working on at Stamping Ground. I have things set out on my work table to get a few more done today. This one is 9X12, and I named it "Yes Ma'am",
Everything is blue over at Smiling Sally's site. Yesterday our grand daughter's art was on display at the Galleria. I love what she did with watercolors, marker and collage. The color and design is great. We also saw a big dog sitting on a bench. That was a site! You never know what you might see at the Galleria on a Sunday afternoon.
This is one of my favorites. Six of us took a copy of a famous painting; don't even remember which one.
We cut it up in 6 pieces and each person took their piece home to their studio and duplicated, in some fashion, what they saw. We could use paints, collage, whatever; it just had to resemble the original in color, so that they would work together when we brought them all back. We used acrylic medium to attach to a backing and this is what resulted. We donated it to the Art Auction, and I bought it. It reminds me of all the gals that worked on it and it brightens up my dining room wall. A really fun project.
This old lantern was found in the garage of a relative after his death. We are currently the caretakers. This lantern has been cleaned up by my hubby and a small light fixture was put in, which can be removed very easily to bring it back to it's original use. It sits on our front porch and will light up the night on Halloween when we have approximately
1000 children and adults come down Main Street. Go to Colorado Lady for some real vintage finds.
Two weeks ago my friend of 55 years died suddenly. She was planning and packing for a trip to Switzerland. It only emphasized how we do not know when our life on earth will end; when we will get to go on another journey. I have always felt that when we die, we will be able to travel and see every place we ever wanted to go. This morning when I opened my e-mail, there was a note from Jacqueline who writes a beautiful encouraging blog, called "Deep Roots at Home" . It had wonderful pictures taken in Switzerland, with words of encouragement under each picture. This was a special gift to me this morning; it became my prayer, as I remembered my good friend. It let me know that Norma is enjoying Switzerland in all its glory, but she doesn't have to deal with airport security, or even lug around a suitcase. I feel blessed.
This fabric collage wall hanging, named Madonna of the Chair, is approximately 11X15 inches. I used vintage fabrics, lace, and embellishments, as well as some beautiful newer fabrics gifted to me. It can be purchased from Sonia at Stinger Studio in Georgetown. I am really enjoying this process, and have a few more to show you in days to come.
This looks a lot better since I added some outlining and some dots. I found that cotton works a lot better for this process. I had a lot of trouble with the linen blouse. I will try to salvage it, but its not going to be easy
This is another fun fabric painting that still needs a lot of work. I have used dyes, paints, stencils, and hand made stamps. Now the fun, outlining and embellishing. Tomorrow I will post the progress
This fern is the only thing that is still growing at our house. It is on the porch sitting on top of a very old milk can that we got on one of our trips to Michigan. It came out of the old family barn. We had a little rain the other day, first rain since April. I took a picture, but you really can't see much. You can see all the dead grass though.
I took mine with me last evening for First Friday. Lots of wine flowing in town on the square. Everyone loved my glass and wanted one. I told them where to go to get a pair; you don't want to enjoy wine by yourself!! They are at Sonia's Studio, Stinger Studio, on Williams Drive.
This is Themis, the goddess of Justice. She sits on top of the court house down on the square. I painted this shortly after my workshop with Shiloh Sophia McCloud. The scales and the saber symbolize the tools of justice; the star is for Texas. Of course, the blindfold is so that justice prevails. I really enjoy painting this way, (block painting), and plan to do more of this.
We spotted this horse in Camden, Arkansas, getting ready for cooler weather. It has been very pleasant here in Texas the last day or two. Still having fires though; we need rain! The Longhorns need water and grass! I am busy today with my painted fabric samples. Probably going to rip them up and use them for something fun.
Here is a tee shirt that I painted the other evening. Actually, you get 3 for 1; the tee, the aqua blouse I dyed, and the pendant, part of my handmade jewelry collection. All part of the fun I have in my studio!
This was my favorite costume at Food and Fantasy ! Sonia always out does herself. The food from Bittersweet Cakes and Catering was absolutely delicious; I had 1 of each !
Look at these gorgeous veggie arrangements. It was a great evening.