Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brownies and EMS

The other day out of the blue, the fire truck and EMS stopped right across the street. After they carted the neighbor off, we found out that she had fallen and broken her knee. Another neighbor and I decided to take a little dinner over for her and hubby, since she was home now with an ice bag, awaiting a visit to the surgeon. This was the perfect excuse I needed to make brownies! I used that fancy new style pan that looks like an ice cube tray. They came out big and beautiful, so I put some chocolate icing and nuts on top! I knew 2 people could not possibly eat the whole batch of brownies, so I felt it was my duty to help out. I also wanted to paint a few, so I put 4 of them on my favorite plate and set them on an apron. All I had was a square canvas so I had to make it work. I took it to demo/critique class the next day that my friends, Nan & Sue, were having and everyone agreed that they looked good enough to eat. As a matter of fact, they all wanted to know where the real brownies were. Oops!

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